I was at this new piano bar that is the new Columbus cult obsession on Saturday night...and every time I am there they play Country Roads, and I belt out loud the lyrics that we had in XO ("Country Roads...take me home...to the place...where I belong...Chi Omega...Lambda Gamma...take me home...country roads"). I've gotten some rather strange looks from nearby strangers, but that's not really an aberration so I keep doing it.
Anyway, I texted my friend Annie (also known as Noodle or Banoo) to tell her that they were playing that song (Although I'm pretty sure the text went like this: "Country Roads...Chi Omega...YAY!"). I meant to text the rest of my sisters as well, but I got too excited after I typed in Annie's name, and all those vodka sodas weren't having such a great effect on my follow-through. Anyway, she calls me and I answer the phone in this ear-drum-blastingly-loud bar and go "Noodle! AhhhhhAHAHAHHH! Nooooooodleeee! They were playing the SONG!!!....Can you hear me?? I can't hear you....AHHHHHHHHAHAHAHHAHA.....ok bye!" and then I hung up on her. She later texted to say she had seen Cirque du Soleil that night in Atlanta and I texted back and said "Cirque du Snuggie."
And I think that was the most profound thing I have said in a long time.
In other news, this is part of an IM conversation going on with my work friend and I:
Bridget... what if i went to my desk right now and walked back in wearing a snuggie?
(at this point i started laughing uncontrollably at my desk)
Brittany... which color?
Bridget... mint green
Bridget... it's the most tasteful snuggie
Brittany... what about blood red?
Bridget... no, that's too flashy
Bridget... no one wants a flashy snuggie
Brittany... which color?
Bridget... mint green
Bridget... it's the most tasteful snuggie
Brittany... what about blood red?
Bridget... no, that's too flashy
Bridget... no one wants a flashy snuggie
and now for some original artwork from me:

And now, from www.urbandictionary.com:
"a snuggie is someone who exhibits snugness and lives in Snuggieopolis on Snuggieoopiter in the Snuggie Way
'your so snuggie!' 'snuggie snug snug' "
I am shaking right now because I am trying REALLY HARD not to laugh. It's just making it worse.
snuggie snug snug!
lol...that was very amusing to read on a monday morning at school...thank you
bridget, i think im in love with you!!<3 marry me?
you are amazingly inspiring, i am going to write a novel anout this. i love you:)
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