I have returned from Vegas 100% intact. Well, my wallet took a beating (more at JCrew than in the casinos) but you know, you go to Vegas to spend money, and at least I came back with goodies to show for it.
Some of my favorite Vegas stories:
We (Lizzy, Molly, Annie, Bridget) are walking down Las Vegas Blvd and a guy runs up next to us and says:
"Hey ladies are you going out tonight?"
"No" (all of us)
"Well I wish you would because it's my brother's 21st birthday and we're trying to make this a real party so I wish you would come. So will you be there?"
"Probably not." (me)
"But-" (him)
"We're all married" (Molly Vaughn, flashing her ring finger while I try to hide my conspicuously bare one)
"Welp, see you later!" (him)
There may as well have been a smoke path behind this guy he ran away from us so quickly. I loved it. I laughed all the way back to the hotel.
Molly Vaughn kissing Annie's chin when Annie tried to say goodbye to her (Molly I beg you to please post that story on your blog in more detail, I don't want to steal it)
Annie sitting on Molly's lap while she applied sunscreen to her back instead of both of them standing like capable adults
The shouts that Annie and I got while we went running/jogging down the strip on Saturday evening:
"You're in Vegas!"
"Stop running, you're making me feel lazy!"
"Did you see that? They were jogging"
"Where the hell is the University of Virginia?" (I was wearing a UVa tee. I particularly liked that comment)
Then there was the one aggressive woman who decided to jog alongside the two of us until we lost her...it was obnoxious.
We also passed approximately 7 able bodied (we assume) teenagers racing down the sidewalk on motorized wheelchairs. They each cheered us on as we ran, but the last one was our favorite who simply looked up and said "Hello" as he scooted on by.
All in all the trip was a success (minus my flight being delayed 40 minutes which made me an angry angry girl last night as I didn't even touch the ground until 11:30 pm and I had to get my luggage and be up for work this morning). We ate at Mesa Grill (yum), saw Love by Cirque du Soleil (fun and a little creepy - sorry Lizzy), laid out by the pool at the Wynn and the Encore, gambled a tiny bit (Lizzy DOUBLED HER MONEY!) and basically bought everything on sale in JCrew. If you haven't been to Vegas yet, I urge you to go. It's not what you think it's going to be - everyone can create their own unique version of Vegas.
So sad to have missed it!!!! :(
(also, the word verification below is 'bartab'...kind of appropriate for a post about vegas, no?)
OH MY GOLL! As soon as I posted, the next word verification was a-NOODL-ing...as in banoodle?
1. what was this kissing story? i must have missed that since it was 4 IN THE MORNING and i immediately went back to sleep.
2. i KNEW you thought cirque du soleil was creepy.
3. i more than doubled my money, thank you very much.
hahaha those ARE some great word verifications!!
So in case Molly V doesn't post it on her blog, Noodle came to say goodbye to her but obviously it was super late/early, so Noodle couldn't see that Molly had sat up in bed, so Noodle was patting Molly's pillow behind her to try to find her to say goodbye, and then Molly reached out to grab her and give her a hug and a kiss goodbye, and in aiming for her cheek ended up kissing her on the chin. I laughed so hard when she told me!
And yes, it was creepy. There's no denying it.
Yes and you would have won even MORE money had you taken my advice and just quit as soon as you won all that money, but NOOOOOOO someone is fostering a fledgling gambling addiction and put reason aside!
LOVE the post! yes lizzy you missed the kissing of the chin, and I figured you didn't want that when you left. Plus, I got out of bed to hug you, so you could see me. Poor Annie just got awkwardly groped and attacked.
missing you all and the pool already!
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