Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Third time's the charm...

Final post of the day:
1) I just realized that Step Up, the dance movie with my husband Channing Tatum, was filmed in Baltimore! Or rather, set in Baltimore, I haven't been watching closely enough to see if it was filmed here. But really, I think it's a sign. Of what, not entirely sure. But a sign nonetheless. One funny thing is that Channing Tatum's character is meant to live in a bad part of town, but he lives in Hampden, which, I don't know, maybe that was the ghetto before, but now it's a quirky area where young people live.

2) Molly Laufer, obviously our shared affinity for Fountain Diet Coke + Root Beer + Lemons is another sign that we were meant to get maui'd. Please advise if you will still be visiting home on Sept 29th because that is on my calendar! And in case you won't be able to get on the internet tomorrow when you move back onboard, Happy Birthday! Love you!

3) I went for a run when I came home from work even though it was 90* outside (I ran in the shade to try to minimize the heat and carried a bottle of cold water with me) and then came home, stretched, and took a cool shower. It has been an hour and 15 minutes since I came home and my body is still drenched in a cold sweat. Uncool.

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