Wednesday, May 18, 2011

deep musings.

When I was in elementary school, I thought that when I was in high school I'd be driving a BMW convertible (I was an asshole in elementary school...just ask Lizzy).

When I was in high school, I thought that when I was in college I'd meet my future husband and I'd figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.

When I was in college, I thought that after I graduated I'd love my first job, but I'd only be there for about two years before I'd move on. Where would I move on to? I figured by that point I'd DEFINITELY have met my future husband and we'd decide together where we'd go.

I was wrong.

About everything.

Well, except the BMW convertible, but it was about 10 years later than I thought it would be ;-)

Never have I felt like I've been headed down the wrong path in my life in general. In my professional life? Yes, for sure. I still think I'm on the right path, but maybe the space between milestones is just longer than I originally thought. Maybe the milestones are in a different order. You know what they say - and by they I mean John Lennon - "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

I'm not sure where I'm going with this - and by this I mean both this blog post and life in general. Is planning futile? Is it true that if you want to make God laugh you should tell him about your plans? Is it better to just let go and let life happen to you? How do you strike the right balance? To make sure that you're headed in the right direction but you're not marching forward so rigidly that you totally lose it if you get blown off path? That you're not focusing so intently on the goal that you don't see what you pass along the way?

No seriously, I'm asking you for answers here.

Is anything absolute? When I was younger I had all these thoughts of "I am this way, I am that way, I would do this, I would never do that." Some things hold true, others don't. If you define yourself by a list of things and one by one those things change...when do you yourself change?

I'm 27 now and maybe I don't know quite as much about who I am as I thought I did, but I guess I know more about who I'm not.


the bee said...

1. i can confirm that the statement in the first paragraph is true.

2. how about i figure out what you should do with your life and you figure out what i should do with my life. sounds like a good deal.

molly said...

wait- then who's going to figure out what i should do with my life? can we do like a 3 way swap of life figuring out?

Bridgee said...

I'm really only interested in you guys figuring out my life...but how about you do such a good job on my life that i become a billionaire and then you become part of my "posse" as your life purpose? good? good. i'll pay you well.

Molly said...

wait, can i be a benefactor when you come up with bridgee's life plan? that way she can run a charter school that i teach at and bridgee will personally reprimand anyone who calls me a "f-ing b****" (like i was called this week) by whipping them with a wet noodle and yelling, "I do what I want!"
Sounds like a deal to me. So get working on making Bridgee millions. ;)