I'd been seeing the nude lips/smokey eyes combo in magazines a lot lately and I really wanted to try it for myself. I was at the Laura Mercier counter on Saturday buying a new tube of my favorite tinted moisturizer, so I asked if they had any matte nude lipsticks I could try.

I ended up buying Barely Nude from their satin lip color, and I love it! It's so much easier applying nude lipsticks than the hot pink/dark red/bright reds I am used to - you don't have to line your lips and it doesn't have to be absolutely perfect. It really makes your eyes pop. I recommend trying it!
Also - the satin lip color from Laura Mercier is making my lips feel better than even Chapstick does! Love!
Yeah, so, I'm running a marathon on Saturday. Which means I'm trying not to drink caffeine this week. And I'm trying not to eat (the rest of) the Halloween candy that Jeremy and I are saving for the trick or treaters (that we may or may not get).
ALSO in other news, Mugsy is going to be a banana for Halloween and Ronin is going to be a skeleton. You can expect many many hilarious pictures to come.
I just have to run a marathon first.
are you going to wear your lipstick for the marathon? i think you should. then you can make kissy faces to the cameras when you run past them!
good luck on your MARATHON! You are a rockstar for even just signing up for one in my book!
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