There are bullies everywhere. People just going around being rude, demeaning, condescending, choose your own synonym. Don't get me wrong, there are people who aren't total jerks. But they're few and far between (but if you're reading this blog, you're probably one of those few people because otherwise you wouldn't be my friend, and if you're not my friend I'm very surprised you're reading this blog).
I just don't get it. What's their motivation? What's the point? Does it make them feel better to be nasty to others? People who don't know me well might say that I'm quiet, that I don't say much. Sadly, it's not because I'm shy - it's because often I only have mean things to say and I was taught that if you have nothing nice to say you shouldn't say anything at all. I'm sure a few of you are surprised as all you ever hear me say is mean stuff but that just means I really like you because you'll know that while I say mean stuff, 90% of it is in the interest of humor rather than actual malice. It appears to me that a lot of other people didn't learn that.
I get it, I'm 27, I shouldn't STILL be surprised when I discover that a lot of people are just generally mean. But I still am. What's the deal, people? Haven't you heard that you should be a buddy, not a bully?
I don't know how you teachers out there do it, because I'm pretty sure if I saw bullying at my school I would put the bully in a bucket filled with hotdogs and velveeta that had been left in the sun for a week (you have your revenge fantasies, I have mine).
I think this is very useful for everyone to remember, especially the last letter:
I think sometimes people just need to be reminded to live gently. Life is going to be hard for everyone at one moment or another. We don't need to make it harder on each other.
End preach.
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