Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm young HO, rap's Grateful Dead

I feel like it is rarely aknowledged that Jay-Z is one of the best lyricists of all time. I would like to aknowledge that right now.


On to the real reason for this post...I feel the need to share a quote that I think defines me:
"You don't have poker face. You have like, miniature golf face."
-Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love
I tend to feel things intensely, and my general feelings/opinions are normally written all over my face. There's nothing I can do about it. I react quickly and have a hard time filtering the expressions that flash themselves across my features. My apologies to anyone who has been offended by my facial expressions in the past, but really, isn't it refreshing to know for sure what someone thinks about you and your ideas? I am happy to perform that service for you.
Speaking of feeling things intensely, please take a moment to enjoy the newly updated trailer for HP6, released yesterday. Potential side effects include permanent goosebumps and an intense desire to weep. Also, if you're me or my friend Meghan, the inability to stop yourself from writing HARRY POTTER 6 MOVIE in your calendar for July 15th (because yes, the release was moved up to the Wednesday of that week, and yes, I am a huge nerd):

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