1) Fountain Diet Coke
a) with a shot of root beer and many lemons (preferably from TIA on the Corner or from L7)
b) with a shot of dr pepper
c) with a shot of cherry coke
d) plain with many lemons
2) Canned Diet Coke
3) Bottled Diet Coke (individual or 2L bottle)
Now, this list becomes much more extensive when you add in all the other options - such as Coke Zero and Cherry Coke Zero and all the different bottle/can/fountain permutations included therein. But for now, just the basic list. I encourage all my fellow DC aficionados out there to include their lists in the comments (I'm talking to you, Molly V, Molly H, Austin, Noodle). Another option out there is the Coke Slurpee (Lizzybee).
My friend Paul knows of my love for the DC and tells me that Coke consumed in Disney World is unlike any other Coke in the world. Now, I have been to the World of Coke in ATL (with Lizzybee and Noodle...here we are with the bear),
So anyway, while I don't necessarily NEED a reason to wax philosophical on my love for the greatness which is DC, I do have a reason today.
My friend Brittany came into work around lunchtime today and as she rounded the corner at the top of the stairs, my eyes went to her hands where she held two extra large fountain Diet Cokes. As she walked towards me, she extended her hand and said the most beautiful words in the world "This is for you. There's some Dr Pepper in there for ya."
I don't think anyone has ever done anything more romantic for me in my life. I told her that if things didn't work out between her and her husband, she should keep me in mind. Future Husband, take note. If you have bad news for me or want to ask for something - come prepared with Diet Coke in hand.
my rankings:
1. coke/diet coke remix, heavy on the DC (from the fountain, obviously, with the tiny popcorn ice)
2. coke/diet coke remix, heavy on the DC (from the fountain with the semi-circle ice...apparently i'm an ice aficionado as well)
3. if it's a really bad day...coke/diet coke remix heavy on the coke OR cherry coke when you can get it from the fountain
4. diet coke can poured into my starbucks tumbler with ice at approximately 7:00 a.m. (hey, you try dealing with angst-filled 9th graders) and again...and again.
all of the above improve with a flex straw (such as at TIA or Chik-fil-A) and the experience completely heightens if said flex straw is colored (slurpee style)
just for you bridget...my word verification is "imperd." challenge of the day to come up with a good use for that one.
My rankings of Diet Coke:
1. An IV of DC interveiniously.
2. Fountain DC - obvi.
3. Canned DC... but only ICE cold.
4. Bottled DC... only if there are no IV's, Fountains or Cans.
Diet Coke is my drug of choice.
High Five!
Love, B. ERIN. B (Saxe) weird.
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