The greatest love of my life, Diet Coke, now officially loves me back. How do I know? It sent me a Valentine, of course:

I am really looking forward to spending a happy Valentine's day with my beloved. Hope you all have a great Valentines day as well!
where did you get the heart DC? it's so cute. i would like to enjoy one while enjoying the opening ceremonies tonight.
OK, ok, the awful truth comes out. The can of DC was actually my designer's. I just stole it from her because I knew that in its heart of hearts, I was DC's one true love just like DC is mine. So, in short, I have no idea where people can get those cans except for On My Designer's Desk.
That said I would guess probably a grocery store. :-)
1. my valentine this year (or at least the one that's not 16 time zones away) is Coke Light.
2. ours don't have hearts on the can, which is a bummer. Turns out, the Coke Light we onloaded in the Middle East doesn't do Valentine's Day advertising. However, there is Arabic writing on the side, and since I can't exactly be sure what it says (although it probably says "Coke Light"), I'm going to pretend it says something about "Molly & Bridgee Love DC/CL and Each Other on Valentine's Day"
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