OK so to all my running homies out there, I've made the transition from treadmill to track (I just typed treadmilly and giggled a little bit) and my right hip is really bothering me. I know I put groin in the title, but it was way more scandalous than hip, and it's in the same general area. Anyway, Molly V, you suggested standing with one hip out to stretch my hip flexors, and if you could have seen me trying to do this last night at the gym after my run, you would have peed your pants. I seriously thought to myself, how could I set my iPhone up to tape myself doing this and then send it to Molly? It was. Unbelievable. Imagine me looking like I'm trying to do an imitation of a 5 year old with attitude. Needless to say, the laughter impeded the success of the stretching.
Just as my laughter is currently impeding the success of my work as I Google the following:
1) 5 year old with attitude
2) 5 year old hips jutting
3) 5 year old hands on hips
4) child hands on hips
This was my favorite result because it follows my clearly stated rule that children must be dressed in animal costumes until age 5, but it really doesn't display what I was trying to get at:

Please note I saved this image as "wtf.jpg"
But I digress. The whole point of this was to ask - do you have any suggestions for how to stretch my hip/make it stop aching in general? Videos/pictures welcome.
what is that little boy/girl supposed to be?
we stretch hip flexors in my pilates class using small squishy balls and it really helps. i'll ask my teacher when i go in on saturday where you can get them. you will probably still look kind if silly, but i'm sure it's nothing compared to what you were doing...
the "stand on one foot with your other leg crossed over it (around the knee level)" move always works for me!
but i am smiling as i imagine you looking like an idiot because you keep laughing while also wincing in pain from your private area muscle ache.
really, it was all that good girl/bad girl machine, wasn't it?...'fess up. :)
word verification=podou, which, i think, is probably the name of what that really special looking boy in the picture is doing.
I'm going to need to see photo evidence of this squishy ball stretch pls. I will try the legs crossed stretch tomorrow!
No idea what that child is. Mouse? Where's it's tail? Gender ambiguous rodent.
ok, obviously the was posted at some point when i was not religiously following my blogs b/c somehow i missed this gem. i literally just laughed super loud and people looked over and me and tried to come over to read what i was reading. i didn't think i could possible explain this to an "outsider"- aka, not someone who understands us/you.
also of note, normally the internet cuts out at midnight. it's 12:16am and somehow, "Random Honesty" has made it past the 100 million gates and guards and walls that block all "non-navy" websites after midnight. this is a great success and a sign that i was meant to read more of your blog and you were meant to write more.
thanks for bringing a roaring chuckle to my evening :)
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