I decided to run the half marathon this weekend with my iPod to see how it compares to my experience running the one in Charlottesville without my iPod. Therefore, I need to make a playlist that will last roughly 2.5 hours (I AM SLOW, get over it...maybe I should get over it first). Would you be a dear and tell me what your favorite workout/pump-up/energy songs are so I can include them on my playlist? I am in desperate need of some new inspiration...
one of my favorite is miley cyrus'one that goes "whoa whoa whoa, now i can't wait to see you again"
it starts out kinda slow and then on the chorus it just makes you wanna kick it up the notch.
i'll go through my iPod today at work & report more. miss you!
Alright so now that I've had a chance to go through my iPod work-out mixes at work (err... I mean...)-- here is the list of some of my favorite work-out songs from a bunch of random run mixes:
- Stronger, Kayne West
-Lose Yourself, Eminem (<-- really good for the start of your run)
-Pump It, Black Eyed Peas
-I've Been Everywhere, Johnny Cash
-When I Grow Up, Black Eyed Peas
-Workout Mix, Kayne
-Maneater, Nelly Furtado
... you'll probably laugh at me for like 75% of them, but hopefully it helps!
and p.s. now that i've discovered that blogger works on my work computer, i will absolutely get back to blogging (I mean... if I'm not too busy... errr...)
i also like P.Diddy and Christina Aquilera's Tell Me. And Pussycat Dolls, "Buttons" and Dirt off your shoulder, and tipsy. Basically, I like really dirty songs, now that I have read that list. Hey, whatever works, right? GOOD LUCK!!!
OK, so I'm pretty weird and I tend to like rock and pop-rock songs, usually featuring some aspect of hand clapping and catchy riffs when I work out, especially this time of year...of the top of my head...
--"All the Pretty Girls" by Fun.(ok thats def more pop)
--"Little Secrets" by Passion Pit (ok, that's sort of electronica, but it is awesome)
--Tyler Hilton "Sunset Blvd" --Stephen Kellogg "Shady Esperanto...""Maria" and "Sweet Sophia,"
--The First Single--The Format
--"The Girl Got Hot" by Weezer "Scar That Never Heals" or "American Girls" by Jeremy Fisher
--"Sex Without Love"--Ben Lee
--"Save Me San Francisco"--Train
Also, you really can't go wrong with "Don't Stop Believin'" and "Livin' on a Prayer," sung by the cast of GLEE.
I'll think of more, I know...
And I totally meant "Like a Prayer" from the new Madonna Glee soundtrack (also the Borderline/Open Your Heart mash up is great...and Express yourself)...but Livin on a Prayer is a fun workout song too, because you can pretend you are at a frat party....which actually is not that fun come to think of it...so maybe not that one.
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