Sunday, April 19, 2009

To the one who says "Meow" isn't English.

I was talking to a friend recently and she gave me some advice that has been on my mind. She said (I'm paraphrasing here) "Ok, you want a great job, a great boyfriend, and great friends. You have two out of those three. You can have it all, but you can't decide the order in which you get them." Isn't that subtly brilliant?

So last night I was talking to another friend as I drove home from a party. He was happy drunk (as opposed to angry drunk or sad drunk...obviously happy drunk is the best kind). We talked for 40 minutes as I drove home and got ready for bed.

Being the gentleman that he is, he said that he would stay on the phone with me until I was inside my apartment to make sure that I did not encounter any murderers or rapists. I asked what he intended to do if he heard me encounter a murderer or rapist. He said he would drive out to save me, but I pointed out that he was wasted (in addition to being 20 minutes away). He said he would explain to the police that he HAD to drive to beat up the murderers and rapists. Brilliant logic, I tell you.

Anyway, we were on the phone for a while, and I remember saying to myself, "if I have to give up the great boyfriend to have great friends like this, I am okay with that. I will take this deal."

Sometimes all you have to do to feel better about the things you don't have is take a look at the things you do have.

One of my favorite pictures of myself and this particular gentleman:


austin said...

good for you. (and cute shoes)


the bee said...

you also need friends that will encourage you to buy those shoes, plus the other pair. just because.

Bridgee said...

Very good point, Lizzybee. Although I don't think it was the encouragement that was the key, I think it was the explicit lack of judgement.