Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Friday Friday Friday

A few things:
  1. Tonight is the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Therefore, I am prepared to lose my friend Lizzy ( to the dark side of the moon for the next two weeks. I just really enjoy saying the dark side of the moon. It seems...dramatic.
  2. Earlier I meant to type "meet" and instead I typed "meat" and then started laughing. I think meating a person is very different from meeting a person. I'm telling you, typos are where it's at. And by it, I mean the Funny.
  3. Just in case you haven't already seen this: Prepare to giggle uncontrollably.
  4. I had something else to say but now I can't remember. If I remember later I'll update.


Molly said...

the fourth thing was "i really like my friends named molly." :) hope you have a great Friday!!

the bee said...

yes, be prepared to not see me for a while. i win a gold medal in olympics watching.

molly said...

i agree with molly v.

a statement about liking 2 molly's on your blog would be quite dramatic. just my 2 cents :)