and I was like "Seriously, who eats these giant nuts?" and I look up to see the two boys across from me smiling in a very creepy way.
So then I say "Idiots" and drop the nut back into the can, and one of the guys goes "Well clearly you like big nuts" and I was like "What does that even mean?" and he...was gross.
Anyway so then I was starting this blog post, and this happened:
"Yeah, they're Brazil nuts" - me
"How did you figure that out?" - my friend with the mixed nuts
"I googled it" -me
"Googled what?" -friend
"Brazil nuts."-me
"Oh. Good. I just wanted to make sure you didn't Google giant nuts."
For new readers, I promise the blog isn't normally this dirty.
hehehehehe, nuts. hehehehehe
thanks for the laughs! i could totally hear you telling the story.
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