Thursday, April 08, 2010

Cold prickley

I just remembered this story and it was so characteristic of me that I HAD to share it with you...

In 4th grade my teacher's name was Miss Prehn. It was her first year teaching. She decided to introduce the concept of "Warm Fuzzies" to our class (bad idea, we were terrible people). She told us that a "Warm Fuzzy" was when you said or did something nice for someone without expecting anything in return. We would have a little cubby or mailbox in the classroom, and you could pick up a piece of paper designed for the warm fuzzies (they had a picture of Calvin and Hobbes hugging on them) and write a note to someone else and leave it in their mailbox anonymously.

So then Miss Prehn asked us to give an example of what a good warm fuzzy would be, and Sara Morgan (sorry if you read this blog Sara, but I haven't talked to you in years so I'm gonna go with probably not) raised her hand and gave Miss Prehn an example of how to impart a warm and fuzzy feeling to another human being. Not being familiar with/supportive of this practice in general, I elbowed my friend next to me and rolled my eyes at her - and Miss Prehn TOTALLY called me out and said "Bridget, that would be a good example of a cold prickley."

So yeah, I've been an asshole since I was 9. What I want to know is, where were the notes designed for Cold Prickleys so that I could tell everyone else how much I hated them and that their haircut was stupid?

Tellin' it like it is...


the bee said...

thank GOODNESS there weren't cold pricklies for you to tell me how much you hated my bangs.

i know that line was directed at me.

and i think your name should be bridgey bridge.

my code word is alums. it knows i'm reading this at work.

Bridgee said...

The best part is that it wasn't directed at you, but as I typed/posted it, I was like "Elizabeth is going to think this is directed at her" and then I left it instead of changing it. So maybe in some way.

It does. Big Brother, etc.

Bridgey Bridge takes too long to yell. I need something short and catchy!

Sarah@TheSmartKitchen said...

I thought it was directed at Elizabeth. Just saying...

Also, be careful about who you write about on your blog, because one of my friends from high school who I have not talked to in 6 years reads mine.

Just saying (again).