Wednesday, February 20, 2013

veganism day 2

breakfast: juice made of 2 oranges...a bunch...head?...of celery...3 or 4 cucumbers...ummmm...about a 1" piece of fresh ginger...and a tsp of spirulina powder. There may have been more ingredients but if there were, I've forgotten them. I did specifically look at the like, 5 lbs of organic carrots I bought yesterday and then decide I was too lazy to open the bag and juice I know there weren't any carrots in there. So yeah. That was my breakfast. The spirulina powder was hard to dissolve in the liquid. And it didn't taste anything like you'd expect. It just tasted savory.

lunch: same as yesterday...spinach salad with fresh berries, candied walnuts and balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

dinner: well, first, I came home from work and wolfed down like an entire cup of mixed nuts. That was probably not the best choice I've ever made. Then for dinner, Jeremy made brown rice pasta with grain/tofu sausage and marinara sauce. The pasta was definitely strange. I mean, compared to "regular" pasta. The texture was different as well as the taste. And my favorite marinara sauce is made with butter, so that's out the window.

I've been reading a book all about a couple of sisters who start their own chocolate shop and now I want to eat an entire chocolate shop.

In terms of how I feel...I'm tired tonight. I've had kind of weird headachey pains all day but haven't taken any Advil because it's all the way over there and I'm lazy. But I didn't feel tired during the day at all the way that I have in past weeks. I feel much more alert. Soooooo we'll see how this continues.

Jeremy says: "Still vegan."

The pasta cranked his blood sugar way up after dinner, but it was pretty consistent throughout the day otherwise. He had a smoothie for breakfast (which he says tasted good) and had a quinoa bowl for lunch. He says he feels agitated. He also gave up alcohol, which I guess I technically did too, but considering that I don't drink anyway, it doesn't really make any difference to me.

Today we learned the awesome news of my college roommate Austin's pregnancy! "Peanut" is due in September. Yay for Austin, Nick, and their puppy Cooper :)

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