Monday, November 21, 2011

And then there was Pie.

In recent years, I've provided the pies for my family's Thanksgiving celebration. I started out only doing pumpkin, then I expanded my repertoire to include apple. My pumpkin pies have always been a source of pride for me - I get super decorative with them and basically act like I slaved all day to create this amazing example of pie-ness, when in reality the decorations I use are extremely easy to make. Evidence of pumpkin deliciousness below, including my creepy finger.
ooooh, ahhhh etc. 
I also make Oreo cookies that look like turkeys with two girls who I used to babysit when they were younger - but now we just enjoy hanging out together, so every year we get together on Thanksgiving and make the cookies for our individual celebrations. Unfortunately we aren't going to be able to get together this year, so I will be going about my Oreo turkey making solo (tear). If you want to make these for your own celebration they're quite easy - take an oreo cookie, cover the top in chocolate frosting, add a chocolate kiss at one edge of the circle, then fill the remaining space with candy corn. Finally, use frosting as glue to attach a red hot to the tip of the chocolate kiss to make the gobbler. Pretty cute. I personally think they taste disgusting so I never eat mine, but others appear to like them and they're just so darn cute. Don't they look festive??

Anyway, on to the point of this post. Before Thanksgiving every year, I have a trial period where I test my pie recipes to make sure that they're as good as they can be on the actual day. I intended to do trial runs of my apple and pumpkin pies this weekend. I got all the ingredients at the store and cleaned the kitchen in preparation. Then I realized that I had only kept 1 pie plate out of storage (I have many...don't judge). So I walked over to Rite Aid to get the disposable kind, only to find that they do not carry them. If you want a shake weight or a cake pan in the shape of a SNOWMAN'S FACE, Rite Aid is the place for you. Pie plates? No. 

Ab. Surd. 

So anyway, I could only make one pie. Sad times. I decided to do the apple since I've done the pumpkin so many times - and last year the apple pie crust fell apart and left me in the kitchen around 2 am having a panic attack and throwing dough in the trash only to start over again anew (wheeee!). I figured I could use as much practice as possible. 

I used this crust recipe and this pie recipe. If you ever intend to make a pie again - or for the first time, whatever the case may be - MAKE SURE you read that tutorial first. I have made so many pies and had so many frustrating experiences with the crust falling apart - but the method of rolling the dough out between parchment paper/wax paper SAVED MY LIFE yesterday. It seriously is life-changing. Plus, then you don't have to wash your rolling pin and try to get the residue from shortening/butter off of it, which let's be real never really is 100% clean again. So anyway - make your crust that way!! 

Here's the pie in its different life stages:

childhood - with caramel topping poured on but before baking

adulthood - out of the oven!

I recommend that you try the above recipes, they're very easy to follow and the apple pie that results is another one of those recipes that seems like way more effort went into it than actually did. Which is always awesome.

Oh, and now please enjoy a gratuitous cute beagle pic. He's super soft. Mugsy gets all the love on this blog, so wanted to throw some Ronin's way:

where's my pie?

I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving and gets to have all the different foods they want to eat! :)

1 comment:

the bee said...

YUM! they look so good. it was so thoughtful of you two make extras for me. correct?