Friday, May 07, 2010

It was a Bridget Jones moment.

So I was e-mailing with my high school best friend yesterday and she recommended that I read this book that she was also reading - called In the Meantime by some lady whose name starts with an I. I'm too lazy to look it up at the moment.

So anyway after work yesterday I went to Barnes & Noble (let's be real, I was just looking for an excuse to drive around with the top down on a sunny day in the high 70s) and bought the book. Then I went to CPK and enjoyed dinner alone while reading the first few pages of the book.

And then I realized.

I am a 26 year old single woman who sits at restaurants eating dinner by herself reading self-help books about what you're to do "in the meantime" before you find true love.

And I burst out laughing. GAaaaaaaaaahhhhhHHHHhhhhhhhhhh!!!


Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen said...

And I go to movies alone and call them "dates with myself."


the bee said...

All by my seeeeeeeeelf!