Wednesday, August 10, 2011


This will probably be the most shocking thing I ever post on this blog, but it happens to be true, so I need to share it with you.

I have given up caffeine. Officially. I think. Forever. For now.

Caffeine has always really affected me - it made me feel really strange if I drank too much of it, and I could never sleep if I drank it after 5 or 6 pm. I'd been feeling really anxious lately, and I realized that maybe all the caffeine I was drinking was contributing to the feelings of anxiety. So I figured it was worth a shot to stop drinking it - especially given all the other studies you can read online (the internet will scare you away from doing basically anything, I'm pretty sure) about how bad Diet Coke is for you (and Diet Coke was my caffeine vehicle of choice). Now, don't get me wrong. I love Diet Coke. And I fully support everyone who drinks it. And I wish I could have kept drinking it. But I have felt more calm/even keeled since I stopped, so I'm going to keep going with it for the time being to see how it goes. It hasn't even been a week yet -- I had my last one last Thursday morning - but it's almost been a week. I think once I make it past 2 weeks I will be pretty sure that I can do it for the foreseeable future.

I want to get to a point where I can enjoy a Diet Coke when I really want one, but my fear is that once my body really gets over the effects of caffeine that I'll be even MORE sensitive to it when I have it occasionally. Thoughts, anyone?

Also, Friday (the first full day w/o any caffeine) was awful. AWFUL. I had a terrible, terrible headache and wanted to kill everything that moved. So that sort of convinced me that I really should stop drinking it because "kicking the habit" was so awful - so it made me feel like it really did have a big effect on my body.

Anyway. Just figured that was worth sharing.

1 comment:

JK said...

I drink caffeine free diet coke....normally mixed with something....but it all tastes the same to me.