Friday, March 05, 2010

I've taken agin' snow.

So everyone knows Ohio is super snowy, right? The other day in an e-mail to my friend Noodle I called it "SNOWhio" and then patted myself on the back. Had anyone else thought of that before? Because I am pretty proud.

Anyway, this story relates to the snow. In the month of February (also known on some calendars as the month-before-bridget-was-born), it snowed probably about a foot a week in the Columbus area (I may or may not be exaggerating, but you don't really know, do you?...because I don't either), and some of the storms were just a foot piling onto the previous foot when the previous foot hadn't had time to melt yet. Temperatures haven't risen above freezing in Columbus....ever, I don't think, so the snow is still just chillin' (pun intended), hanging around taking up precious space on our sidewalks and in our parking lots. It's been so long since local inhabitants have seen grass that the deer on our campus at work have given up on trying to hide and have just started standing directly outside the buildings to eat the patches of grass that are exposed there.

Moving a week ago I was trying to walk to my car, I decided that the snow had had its selfish way with the sidewalk I usually take for LONG ENOUGH! So I proceed stomping down the sidewalk, really showing that snow who's boss, until I come to the point where the sidewalk meets the parking lot and I am met by a 6' tall MOUNTAIN OF SNOW! Ok so it was really more like 3' tall, but it was big. It's too late to give up now, so I climb up the little mountain of snow, reach the top, and come tumbling down the other side. I couldn't find my footing as I slid down the other side, so I basically come sliding hands/face-first into the parking lot and land sprawled across the hood of the first car parked in that row, which is embarrassing enough already, but gets even better when you know that the person who OWNS said car was, at that moment, trying to open the driver's side door to leave for work.

Seriously? My timing is impeccable.

I mumbled apologies and scampered around her car to make it to my own, parked next to hers. I wonder how many people she's told that story to ("So this idiot falls on my car..."). Anyway, I thought this would make you laugh so I wanted to pass it along and brighten your Friday a bit.


molly said...

this post was a new level of making me laugh. at the end of a long week (we take off on sundays), this is EXACTLY what i needed to get me through this long saturday.

however, if i burst into laughter at the thought of you careening down the snowy hill onto a car in the middle of my brief, it's going to be weird. but thank you :)

Bridgee said...

That post was 100% for you Smolls so I'm glad you liked it :-)

molly said...

wait, seriously? pour moi?!?

now i like the story even MORE.

i will not lie- i have read it 3 times since then, just for a good laugh :)