Friday, February 12, 2010

My one and only Valentine

The greatest love of my life, Diet Coke, now officially loves me back. How do I know? It sent me a Valentine, of course:I am really looking forward to spending a happy Valentine's day with my beloved. Hope you all have a great Valentines day as well!


the bee said...

where did you get the heart DC? it's so cute. i would like to enjoy one while enjoying the opening ceremonies tonight.

Bridgee said...

OK, ok, the awful truth comes out. The can of DC was actually my designer's. I just stole it from her because I knew that in its heart of hearts, I was DC's one true love just like DC is mine. So, in short, I have no idea where people can get those cans except for On My Designer's Desk.

That said I would guess probably a grocery store. :-)

molly said...

1. my valentine this year (or at least the one that's not 16 time zones away) is Coke Light.
2. ours don't have hearts on the can, which is a bummer. Turns out, the Coke Light we onloaded in the Middle East doesn't do Valentine's Day advertising. However, there is Arabic writing on the side, and since I can't exactly be sure what it says (although it probably says "Coke Light"), I'm going to pretend it says something about "Molly & Bridgee Love DC/CL and Each Other on Valentine's Day"